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Cagliari, Historical Archive of the Parish of Sant'Eulalia

Cagliari, Historical Archive of the Parish of Sant'Eulalia

Cagliari, Historical Archive of the Parish of Sant'Eulalia

The centrality of the parish of Sant'Eulalia in the religious and cultural life of the Marina district has favored the sedimentation, over the centuries, of an archival complex that, although it has come to us impoverished even after the war events of 1943, constitutes one of the richest parish archives in Sardinia. The fund includes the documentation relating to the Collegiate Church of Sant'Eulalia and the aggregated archives of the archconfraternities of the Blessed Sacrament (based in the parish church), the Most Holy Crucifix of Prayer and Death (extinct, based in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) and the Holy Trinity and Blood of Christ (based in the church of Saint Lucia). Overall, the preserved material is of great interest, because it allows us to analyze different aspects of the religious, social, economic and cultural history of the city of Cagliari from the early 16th century to the middle of the 20th century.
The main series of the archives of the Collegiate Church are the following:

• Board resolutions of the Chapter of the Collegiate Church (1621-1925)
• Dissolved notarial acts (1563-1888)
• Census records (1547-1668)
• Pastoral letters, circulars and decrees (1693-1929)
• Administrative documentation (bound and dissolved) (secc.XVII-XX)
• Notes (1814-1866)
• Mass Manuals (1803-1912)

The aggregated archives of the brotherhoods constitute independent documentary complexes: the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament had among its tasks that of the dissemination and promotion of Eucharistic devotion and assistance to the poor of the neighborhood. Much of the documentation was lost with the bombing of 1943. Most of the surviving documents, including the Payment Orders (1751-1893), are of an administrative nature. The archive of the archconfraternity of the Most Holy Crucifix of Prayer and Death was aggregated following the extinction of the confraternity itself in the mid-twentieth century and constitutes the numerically most significant section after that of the collegiate church. It is composed of documents of considerable interest and antiquity: in particular the Scrolls (36 units, 1519-1883) — some richly illuminated — which attest to the aggregation of the brotherhood to that of the same name in Rome and the granting of indulgences and privileges of various kinds, the administrative series linked to the economic management of the significant real estate assets and legacies and testamentary legacies and finally material concerning the main task of the association, which was to provide for the burial of dead without means. Finally, the documents of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Trinity and Blood of Christ, which are quantitatively modest but not of little interest. They were transferred to the parish archive after the partial demolition (1947) of the church of Santa Lucia, the historic seat of the association. The preserved documentation covers a chronological period that goes from the 17th century to about 1950.

A. G. Maxia, M. Serreli, The activity of the Archconfraternity of Death, through its documents, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Cagliari in the 17th and 18th centuries, in T. Kirova (ed.), Art and Culture of the 17th and 18th centuries in Sardinia. Proceedings of the National Conference (Cagliari-Sassari, 2-5 May 1983), Naples, Italian Scientific Editions, 1984, pp. 245-256.
M. Cugusi, Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in the Navy. History of yesterday, chronicle of today, Cagliari, s.n., 2009.
S. Agus, From the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament of Sant'Eulalia in Cagliari, Cagliari, s.n., 2013.

Structure category: archives or libraries

Content type: Archive

Usability: Open

Province: Cagliari

Common: Cagliari

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: vico del Collegio, 2

Telephone: +39 333 9973797



Information on tickets and access: The archive can be consulted by appointment. Web page: MUTSEU | Contacts

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Services information: consultation room to be booked in advance.


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