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Guspini, Anglosarda Gallery

Guspini, Anglosarda Gallery

Guspini, Anglosarda Gallery

The Galleria Anglosarda is an underground gallery that has used a mining vein of Galena from the Arburese and Guspinese regions. The route of the tunnel runs for about a kilometer until the entrance to the Sant'Antonio well, whose excavation began in 1852 by the Royal Anglo-Sardinian Company, from which the name of the main gallery derives.
Located east of Montevecchio, it was one of the first tunnels to be interested in mining research with then modern technologies that improved mine revenues.
The exploitation of mineralizations in the Arburese and Guspinese areas, which extend from Montevecchio to the west of Ingurtosu for about 12 kilometers, dates back to ancient times. Several finds attest to the use of the site in Roman times and its use in even more remote times is plausible, as suggested by some special excavations.

Why it's important to visit it
A leap back in time, and into the industrial history of Sardinia, which makes us realize the hard and risky work of miners, keeping their memory alive, historically settled, in these dark underground places.

Structure category: industrial archeology

Content type: Mine
Sites or plants

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Guspini

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SP 66 - località Miniera di Montevecchio

Telephone: +39 070 9760215 +39 338 4592082





November 01 - March 30

Saturday - Sunday

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM

Information on tickets and access: For always updated information on all visiting hours and to view other cumulative ticket offers on multiple tour routes, it is advisable to consult the manager's official website. A visit to the gallery is possible only with the accompaniment of specialized personnel. The infopoint - ticket office is located in the village of Montevecchio in front of the Management Building, so it is necessary to use your own means of transport to reach the starting point for visits to the construction sites 3 km from the ticket office. It is necessary to show up at the ticket office at least 15 minutes before the departure of the first chosen tour. In the indicated months, the Anglosard Gallery can be visited with a single tour available only on Sundays and holidays. The guided tour of the gallery starts at 13:15 and lasts an average of 40 minutes. On weekdays from Monday to Saturday, the gallery can be visited by reservation only, go to the reservations web page. The use of closed shoes is highly recommended and the use of shoes with heels such as not to allow regular walking on a rough path and with different wet areas is prohibited. The indoor temperature is 15°-16° degrees constant all year round, so for the little ones and the coldest, we suggest the use of a sweatshirt or similar in summer and layered clothing in winter.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 12 €, grownups, Galleria Anglosarda underground route .

  • Freeware : 0 €, minors from 0 to 6 years old, all routes .

Services information: Not all areas of surface routes (Direction, S.Antonio, Officine, Piccalinna) are accessible to people with reduced mobility. On surface routes (Direction, S.Antonio, Officine, Piccalinna) animals are allowed, hoping for maximum respect for property and other people visiting. Guided tours are also available in English. Guided tours in other languages (FRA-DEU-ESP) will be guaranteed upon advance request or based on daily availability.


22/4/2024 - 20:03


Guided tours Guided tours

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