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Iglesias, Laveria Lamarmora - Nebida Mine

Iglesias, Laveria Lamarmora - Nebida Mine

Iglesias, Laveria Lamarmora - Nebida Mine

The village and the mining facilities occupy a large area overlooking the sea.
Active since the mid-nineteenth century, the mining concession favored the creation of a village that still preserves its original traces in the square that houses the infirmary, the workers' club, the management building. The administrative office building now belongs to private individuals and despite the alterations, it still shows the dentelli frame that follows the entire trend of the U-shaped building and the sharp-arched windows that reflect the neo-medieval style, customary in many mining settlements.
The most extraordinary and certainly the most spectacular artifact due to its position on the sea is the Laveria Lamarmora, built in 1897 and today preserved in structures without a roof. It is a building built with exposed stone that is spread over several overlapping volumes crossed by large arches and is completed by two tall chimneys that clearly indicate it.
At the foot of the laveria on the sea, the calcination ovens are visible.
The mine is part of the Geominerary, Historical and Environmental Park of Sardinia, recognized by UNESCO.

History of studies
The Iglesias mining plants are mentioned in several works on industrial archeology in Sardinia.

F. Masala, “Mining Architectures in Sardinia between revivals and eclecticism”, in Man and Mines in Sardinia, edited by T.K. Kirova, Cagliari, 1993, pp. 115-126; S. Mezzolani-A. Simoncini, Sardinia to save. Landscapes and mine architecture, Nuoro, Archivio Fotografico Sardo, 1993, pp. 188-193;
F. Masala, Architecture from the Unification of Italy to the end of the 20th century. Nuoro, Ilisso, 2001, sheet 48

How to get there
The lead-zinc mine is located in the municipality of Iglesias and can be reached by taking a detour from the SS 126 towards Funtanamare.

Structure category: industrial archeology

Content type: Sites or plants

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Iglesias

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SP 83 Stazione Monteponi-Nebida

Information on tickets and access: The exterior of the laveria mining plant is freely visible at a safe distance; it should be noted that getting too close to the structure, or trying to access it, is dangerous.

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22/4/2024 - 20:09

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