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“Beyond the garden”: training for the care and management of historic parks and gardens

“Beyond the garden”: training for the care and management of historic parks and gardens

“Beyond the garden”: training for the care and management of historic parks and gardens

The call is open for the selection of 220 participants in the executive course on the care and management of historic parks and gardens: Executive course. Applications by February 29, 2024.

The course is aimed at professionals active in the care and management of historic parks and gardens in the public or private profit and non-profit sectors, with specific academic requirements, and selected through a public call.
It provides an updated framework on the main issues affecting the existence of historic parks and gardens, also in relation to environmental issues, the use of new technologies and the adoption of innovative management models.
It alternates distance learning sessions with in-person training sessions at important Italian parks and historic villas: the Palace of Venaria, the Museum of Villa Pisani, Villa Durazzo, the Garden of Villa Medicea di Castello, Villa Buonaccorsi, the Palace of Caserta are the places where the theoretical knowledge acquired online is tested through laboratory practices designed to increase technical-specialized skills and to train transversal skills.
The course takes place starting from April 2024: in-person activities end in May 2024, while online training products remain available until July 2024.

For more information go to the Fondazione Scuola Beni Attivitas Culturali website >


“From hortus conclusus to locus amoenus, from frivolous occupation to speculative activity, from botany laboratory to museum, from architecture to landscape: a formative journey into and 'beyond the garden' with its metaphorical and symbolic meanings, in a historical and intercultural perspective, and with its humanistic, scientific and technical implications, in an interdisciplinary perspective.”

Beyond the garden is a continuous training and professional updating project for the care and management of historic parks and gardens.

It is an initiative of the Ministry of Culture promoted by Service VIII of the General Secretariat with the collaboration of Service I of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, curated and implemented by the School Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Activities, with the support of APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d'Italia.
It is a project funded by the European Union — NextGenerationEU as part

of the PNRR Culture 4.0.

From my point of view, the garden is not taught, he is the teacher.
Gilles Clément, Gardens, Landscape and Natural Genius, Quodlibet, 2013

The training offer
The training offer of Beyond the Garden is twofold:

an executive course, for participants selected by public tender, in which theoretical knowledge on historic green is deepened on a regulatory, technical, design, management level and integrated with practical activities at parks and villas of public and private Italian cultural heritage, to develop both technical-specialized and transversal skills;
a basic course, exclusively online, open to a wide and differentiated audience of recipients, designed to raise awareness of the themes of the historic garden, disseminate basic theoretical knowledge and introduce tools for the enhancement and communication of cultural heritage.

Both courses start from an excursus into the history of the garden to today's visions; they offer elements of botany; they review various tools for enhancement and communication; they deal with safety and accessibility.
The entire training program is designed to promote awareness of the complexity of the garden: composed of multiple and different elements (architectural, sculptural, green, water), and in relation to the landscape and environmental issues, the garden needs to be cared for and managed according to a holistic perspective.


9/2/2024 - 11:21



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