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Urban spaces and monumental architecture

The arrival of the Phoenicians in Sardinia is witnessed by the appearance of an important architectural innovation: the founding of cities.

Urban spaces and monumental architecture

The arrival of the Phoenicians in Sardinia is witnessed by the appearance of an important architectural innovation: the founding of cities.

The birth of cities
After a first settlement phase marked only by the construction of simple commercial stores, the Phoenician presence takes on the characteristics of a real urbanization.
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The sanctuaries
In addition to cities, the Phoenician presence in Sardinia was marked by the creation of new sanctuaries, the dimension of the “sacred” being one of the crucial elements that contributes to defining the cultural identity...
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The monumental temple of Tharros
The monumental temple of Tharros is a difficult building to interpret because, in an undifferentiated context, elements dating back to chronologically different phases are found to coexist. A guiding element for reading...
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Discovering the temple of Sardus Pater
The search for the temple of Sardus Pater was the most exciting question of the ancient topography of Sardinia. In the 16th century, the codes and the first printed books by Greek and Latin authors began to circula...
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Età fenicia
Phoenician settlements
The history of the Phoenician presence in Sardinia goes through various phases of a gradual settlement process. The first forms of contact had to take place in sites directly controlled by the Nuragic Sardinians, of whic...
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Età punica
The Tofet Rite
The word “tophet” in the Bible designated a place near Jerusalem where the sacrifice of children was believed to be practiced. Later, the term went on to designate all the sacred areas of Phoenician-Punic urban centers i...
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lamina a forma di tronco di cono cavo montato su un elemento in pasta vitrea verde chiaro a forma di guglia con profilo esagonale; l'appiccagnolo, striato e con i bordi leggermente rilevati, è saldato alla base superiore del tronco di cono.

Read everything Read everything lamina a forma di tronco di cono cavo montato su un elemento in pasta vitrea verde chiaro a forma di guglia con profilo esagonale; l'appiccagnolo, striato e con i bordi leggermente rilevati, è saldato alla base superiore del tronco di cono.


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